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Can Covid denialism get you elected? How is the music business like biotech investing? And what’s at stake for science in the midterms?

We cover all that and more this week on “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. Our colleague Sarah Owermohle joins us to discuss how pandemic shutdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, and the prospect of arresting Anthony Fauci have become campaign rallying cries in midterm elections. We also discuss the latest news in the life sciences, including the potential effects of federal drug-price negotiation and the virtues of befriending Pharrell Williams.


For more on what we cover, here’s more on the midterms; here’s the story on Time BioVentures; here’s where you can find episodes of Color Code; here’s where you can subscribe to the First Opinion Podcast; and here’s our complete coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Be sure to sign up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, StitcherGoogle Play, or wherever you get your podcasts.

And if you have any feedback for us — topics to cover, guests to invite, vocal tics to cease — you can email [email protected].


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